

With ABET accreditation, students, employers, and the society we serve can be confident that a program meets the quality standards that produce graduates prepared to enter a global workforce.
The Colloquium is emerging as the professional organization for those dedicated to cybersecurity education. Our focus cannot be on the few schools who will eventually develop whole degree programs. We must look beyond that to all universities, to all 2- year schools, and yes, into the k-12 communities at large.
What should a “cybersecurity professional” know and what skills should they have?
To codify foundational and generally recognized knowledge in cyber security following broad community engagement nationally and internationally.
The Cybersecurity Workforce Challenge
It is critical that hands-on training be part of any Cybersecurity training program. Theory based training is not effective for enforcing the skills needed to perform at a high level in Cybersecurity.
A method within the broader discipline of foresight to consider a range of futures (e.g., probable, possible, preferable) 20-30 years from now across an organizational, cross-discipline, or global domain, and to create or alter our strategies, goals, plans, & actions to achieve desired outcomes.
New Collar is about skills, not degrees. If you have the right skills, there's a career for you at today's IBM.
What are the industry priorities for entry-level cybersecurity professionals for each of the Tiers of the DoL Cybersecurity Competency Model?
A strong and vibrant cybersecurity workforce is critical to our current and future national and economic security. The U.S. needs immediate and sustained improvements in its cybersecurity workforce.
Building the Nation’s Cyber Interstate
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