Industry News

  • 8 Dec 2020
  • 8 Dec 2020
  • 2626

The 19 Academic Centres of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSRs) help to build a strong and collaborative community of cyber security research in the UK.

The work they carry out is extremely varied in nature, and consistently stellar in quality. But, how can you find out if you share a research interest? Who can you discuss a development idea with, or suggest a collaboration to? The new ACE-CSR brochure will help you find answers to these questions.

Excellent growth

For nine years now, the NCSC and EPSRC (The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, which is a part of UKRI) have worked together to create and develop the scheme which recognises UK universities as Academic Centres of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSR).

From relatively small beginnings, when just eight universities were assessed as meeting the standards required for recognition, the community has grown to 19 universities across the UK and in all four home nations. Every one has been assessed as having both capacity and capability in cyber security research.

For the complete article with the downloadable resource, please visit:

Catherine H2
Academic Engagement Lead for Cyber Security Research and Education