
The Role of Education in Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions in Cybersecurity

The Role of Education in Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions in Cybersecurity
The Role of Education in Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions in Cybersecurity
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Eugene Spafford, Leigh Metcalf, Josiah Dykstra
31 December 2022
In this session, the panelists will discuss their observations and experiences of cybersecurity myths across academia, industry, and government. They will draw on their decades of experience to discuss pitfalls they've encountered and examples of folk wisdom including: Is the user the weakest link? Is more security always better? Is cyber offense easier than defense? This will also touch on some of the biases humans bring to decision-making, and how those may negatively influence good security practices. These include the action and conformity biases. The panel will illuminate opportunities for education to help dispel prevalent and widespread myths that can be avoided or mitigated for the benefit of more effective cybersecurity. Portions of this presentation are drawn from personal experience and courses taught by the panelists, including a regular course offered at Purdue University as part of the graduate cybersecurity curriculum.
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