

Increased employment rate for graduates. Increased competitive advantage over other institutions. Market positioning: become the center of a cybersecurity ecosystem. Ensure curriculum stays current.
Hands on labs are a critical component of any cybersecurity program and a requirement to become an NSA/DHS Center of Academic Excellence. Several ways to deliver lab content: develop and deploy labs on internal or outsourced infrastructure; utilize labs from external lab providers; utilize free grant resourced labs; Use free and open source labs. Managing an internal lab environment is expensive.
Anecdotally, most cybersecurity curricula is based on the technical aspects of protecting, defending, and responding to cyber attacks. While these courses establish a solid foundation in the technical aspects of cybersecurity, what is often missing is establishing a foundation in cybersecurity law. Every individual who puts their hands on a keyboard operates within an uncertain ethical and legal framework.
The National Cyber League (NCL) is the most inclusive, performance-based, learning-centered collegiate cybersecurity competition today! The NCL, powered by Cyber Skyline, enables students to prepare and test themselves against practical cybersecurity challenges that they will likely face in the workforce, such as identifying hackers from forensic data, pentesting and auditing vulnerable websites, recovering from ransomware attacks, and much more!
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