Industry News

  • 15 Sep 2022
  • 25 Jun 2023
  • 3352

The Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education announces a collaboration with The Institute for Cybersecurity Workforce Development (ICWD) at Kennesaw State University.

CISSE and ICWD will begin a series of cooperative and collaborate ventures focused on improving services to the cybersecurity education community.

Memorandum of Agreement between: The Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education and the Institute for Cybersecurity Workforce Development at Kennesaw State University

WHEREAS, both CISSE and ICWD both serve the broader cybersecurity education community, and

WHEREAS, the improvement of cybersecurity education is the root mission of both CISSE and ICWD, and

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the cybersecurity education community to be provided the broadest possible set of services and support, and

WHEREAS, it is critical for cybersecurity educations, at all levels, to interact and exchange ideas, solutions, and opportunities, and

WHEREAS, both CISSE and ICWD offer similar, yet unique services, to be agreed that

CISSE and ICWD will begin a series of cooperative and collaborate ventures focused on improving services to the cybersecurity education community.

Those initial services include:

  • Representing each other's websites and information on each organization's website in regards to collaborative activities.
  • Planning, advertising, and implementing one or more conferences where CISSE will host ICWD as a track, session, or collaborative event as part of The Colloquium Conference in videoconferencing format.
  • Offer the opportunity to ICWD to publish related papers - which have gone through an appropriate agreed to selection process and meet style requirements of the Journal of the Colloquium, hard copy book and The Colloquium's Open Journal.
  • Initiate a series of interactive planning sessions to accomplish the joint event.
  • Explore other possible collaborations.

Agreed to on August 28, 2022

V.W. Maconachy, Ph.D.
President & Chairman of the Board, CISSE

Michael E. Whitman, Ph.D.
Executive Director, ICWD