Cyber-Security, IAS and the Cyber Warrior

Cyber-Security, IAS and the Cyber Warrior
Cyber-Security, IAS and the Cyber Warrior
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Dale C. Rowe, J. J. Ekstrom, Barry Lunt
01 July 2012
2201 x

In 2008, the director of the CIA Clandestine Information Technology office concluded that the US is short of 20,000 to 30,000 skilled cyber security specialists. At that time, there were to most reckonings only 1,000 experts. Yet there remains a relatively vague definition of what constitutes a skilled cyber security specialist and what skills such an individual should possess. In this paper we discuss what constitutes a cyberspecialist and how this differs from the typical view of Information Assurance and Security. We also note the connections between the cyber and physical domains. In conclusion we recommend key knowledge points and skills that we believe are key in securing, defending and protecting cyberspace.

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